FuturEd Partners with Gretchen Dobson LLC
We are pleased to introduce Dr. Gretchen Dobson to our team at FuturEd. Dr. Dobson has opened up her office in collaboration with FuturEd at New Delhi. Dobson brings over 10 years experience of working in the Alumni Relations space. Working in India, she has helped the Woodstock School in Mussoorie think more strategically about their engagement plan with alumni abroad; she spent two years advising the Indian School of Business domestic-based alumni association and advancement staff as they prepared for their 10 year anniversary in 2010. Dobson participated as a presenter and key planner at the inaugural Alumni Relations Conference organized by FuturEd on March 29, 2014. Most recently, she flew down to India to participate as a speaker at the second edition of Alumni Relations Conference on 1 November 2014 held at ISB, Hyderabad. She also conducted a workshop on International Alumni Relations on 2 November 2014 at the same venue.
Dr. Dobson will spend regular time in India servicing clients' goals from international alumni relations strategy, international alumni and academic partnerships, international student-alumni programs, and volunteer management for groups of all sizes and backgrounds. Dobson will also provide professional coaching for international alumni relations, development, admissions and academic officers new to global engagement practices and facilitates special events for clients who need "boots on the ground" project management in India.